Scriptures By Subjects: PRAISE & WORSHIP
Praise and Worship
(All verses are from the New American Standard Bible.)
But an hour is coming, and now is, when
the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit,
and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. -- John 4:23, 24
Through Him then, let us continually offer up a
sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. -- Hebrews 13:15
I will bless the Lord at
all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear it and rejoice.
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. -- Psalm 34:1-3
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth....Enter
His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. -- Psalm 100:1, 4
Yet Thou art holy,
O Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel. -- Psalm 22:3
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged
sword in their hand. -- Psalm 149:6
Praise the Lord...kings of the earth and all peoples; princes and all judges of the earth;
both young men and virgins; old men and children. let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted. -- Paslm 147:7,
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! -- Philippians 4:4
It is written, "You shall worship the Lord
your God and serve Him only." -- Luke 4:8
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! -- Psalm 150:6
the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant and praise is becoming. -- Psalm 147:1
Worship God. --
Revelation 22:9
Rejoice always...for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -- 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18
Let all who
seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; let those who love Thy salvation say continually, "The Lord be magnified!" -- Psalm 40:16
But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them; and suddenly
there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened,
and everyone's chains were unfastened. -- Acts 16:25, 26
[Jeshophat] appointed those who sang to the Lord and those who praised
Him in holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, "Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." And
when they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against
Judah; so they were routed. -- 2 Chronicles 20:21, 22
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises to our God. -- Psalm
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