A gap between us and God
Lots of people are all alone in the world. God knows firsthand about alone-ness. Tons of years ago, only God existed. God was, but
everything else wasn't; He was alone. So he created the moon; the sun; the animals; the plants; the day; the night; the seas; the
stars -- and it was good. But not good enough. He was still alone.
Then God created a man and a woman. He finally was no longer alone.
He had children to love, to talk with, to walk with. "Behold, it was VERY good" (Gen. 1:31).
God intended for them -- and for us,
their descendants -- to know Him personally as a Father forever. But we all chose to go our own way instead of His. Our sin created
a gap between God and us, tearing the relationship apart and separating us from Him (Isaiah 59:2).
Now, God is a just God. Sin could
not go unpunished (Rom. 6:23). Yet, He didn't want the penalty of death to be inflicted upon the people He loved so much -- even though
we had turned our backs on Him.
The solution? A substitute. An innocent party to bear the punishment for us. Jesus Christ, God's Son,
was the only one who could do it (Acts 4:12). Only He was sinless. Only He was willing to die for us, the guilty ones, though He Himself
had done nothing wrong.
Through faith in Christ, you have eternal life, new life. You are forgiven of your sins (Acts 11:43). You come to know God personally
as His child (John 1:12). You aren't alone in life -- the Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am with you alway[s] (Matt. 28:20). You're destined
for heaven, to live eternally with God (Col. 1:5). You have ABUNDANT life available to you here on earth (John 10:10).
Jesus is the
bridge between you and God (1 Tim. 2:5). He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6). If you want to have a personal relationship
with a loving God and receive new life, pray this out loud:
I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross and rose from
the dead. I repent of my sin and acknowledge Him as my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart, Jesus. I give my life to You. Help me
to follow You every day. Amen.
If you prayed this, write and let us know. To grow closer to God, begin to read
your Bible, talk to Him in prayer, and attend a Gospel-believing church regularly.
The solution? A substitute. An innocent party to bear the punishment for us. Jesus Christ, God's Son, was the only one who could do
it (Acts 4:12). Only He was sinless. Only He was willing to die for us, the guilty ones, though He Himself had done nothing wrong.
Jesus Christ, God's Son/born a human, died on the cross in our place, bearing our sin. Then He rose from the dead to new life -- ready
to give new life to anyone who will believe in Him.
Spiritual Help: How to Know God
Jesus bridged the gap
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life"
(John 3:16, NASV).
Usted Puede Recibir a Cristo Ahora
1. Dios te ama
2. El pecado nos separa de Dios
3. Jesus murio por tus pecados
4. Tu puedes recibir a Jesus ahora y conocer el amor de Dios
"Que si confesares con tu boca que Jesus es El Senor, y creyeras en tu corazon que Dios le levanto de los muertos, seras salvo" (Romanos 10:9).
Haz esta oracion en voz alta:
Padre Celestial, en el nombre de Jesus yo me arrepiento de mis pecados y abro mi corazon para dejar
que Jesus entre en mi. Jesus tu eres mi Senor y Salvador. Yo creo que tu moriste por mis pecados y que resusitaste de los muertos.
Llena mi vida con tu Santo Espiritu. Gracias Padre por salvarme en el nombre de Jesus. Amen
1. Orar y leer la Biblia cada dia.
2. Ir a la iglesia regularmente.
3. Buscar companerismo cristiano.
Decir a otros lo que Jesus ha hecho por ti.