Store: CD Series by Pam Woodson
When You've Been
God wants to speak to us. These teachings help us identify the "voice" guiding us: God, our flesh, or the devil. We learn the various
ways God speaks to people, and how not to fall into flakey error, presuming "it's God" when it's not.
4 CD's, $20
How to Hear the Shepherd's Voice
God made us beautiful women within through Christ. He "clothed" us with strength and dignity. We should see ourselves as we really
are. The inside is what counts, and we are to wear the "hidden" clothing of the heart.
3 CD's, $15
Clothes from a Hidden Closet
We don't have to be bitter when betrayed, or retaliate when rejected. Jesus experienced the height of betrayal and rejection. Seeing
what Jesus, our example, did when people hurt Him or came against Him can help in our struggles.
3 CD's, $15
When You've Been Betrayed, Rejected, Forsaken or Offended
Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We can never be good to get righteous; it's a free gift, which
gives us our true self-worth. Our responsibility now is to have right living, too.
6 CD's, $30
Your Righteousness In Christ
In Paul's letters, he wrote first of who we are in Christ and all the good things God does to bless us. But afterwards he
wrote, "Okay, you need to live right." Life is a balance: being IN Christ, and Christ living THROUGH us.
2 CD's, $10
Positional & Temporal Realities: Life's Balance
CD Series by Woody
CD Series by Pam
CD Series by Woody & Pam
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