Outreaches: THE KIDS
Global Christian Outreach
(A division of Woodson Ministries, Inc., supplying for children's needs -- spirit, soul, and body)
VIDEO: Sudan orphanage (Rev. Bill Mickler). PHOTOS: Islands (Woody handing out candy to the kids; the kids scrambling to get
the candy he threw); Germany (we were told that the red shirt the little boy is wearing was bought with money our son donated).
This new outreach exists to supply for children's needs -- spirit, soul, and body -- around the world. Through THE KIDS division
of WM, finances are given to ministries that reach out to children.
THE KIDS aim is to provide for children's
programs (orphanages, inner-city outreaches, schools, medical teams, Christmas blitzes) which focus on impoverished areas from
around the globe.
The vision for THE KIDS is: 1) to see children abound in their SPIRITS, coming to know Jesus as Lord and growing
in Him; 2) to see them delivered in their SOULS from heartaches no one their age should have to face, experience joy and
peace within, and enjoy good times with our good God; and 3) to see children be physically healthy in their BODIES.
cares for the little children. He blessed them. He held them in His loving arms. He accepted them as valuable, while others turned
them away. We at WM want to be like Jesus and reach out to the children of the world, with that same heart of love and compassion.
Thanks to all who reach out beyond themselves to bless THE KIDS with us by giving financially to Woodson Ministries.
They're worth it!