Store: CD Series by Woody & Pam Woodson
When You've Been
God wants to use you. He "anoints" you to reach out to others for Him. This series deals with praying for the sick, joining up with
the Spirit of God to let Him touch lives through you, and being "Anointed as Champions."
4 CD's, $20
How to Operate in the Anointing of God
"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" (James 5:16, NASV). Prayer has power, because it is sent to the God
of all power. Nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible with Him. Talk to Him today.
6 CD's, $30
Prayer Power
The Bible says that God doesn't want us to be ignorant of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. The Spirit of God can use us and anoint
us with gifts to help us do God's work. First Cor. 12 is examined closely in this series.
6 CD's, $30
Boldly Flowing in the Spirit
And His Gifts
Woody & Pam
CD Series by Woody
CD Series by Pam
CD Series by Woody & Pam
Woody & Pam Woodson
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